During the apartheid era, black South Africans were excluded from owning or managing mines. They were usually employed as low-paid labour by mine owners.
After the African National Congress came to power in the mid 1990s, and South Africa became a democracy, a conscious effort was made to promote economic growth among black South Africans.
Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) policies were enacted to address historical injustices and involve the disadvantaged population in various sectors of the economy, including mining.
Today, several laws and programmes are helping black miners and their communities. The Mining Charter of 2002 in particular has created a framework for black ownership, management control and employment equity along with community development. Ownership and equity participation initiatives are enabling black ownership and ensuring that the benefits of mining are experienced by the entire community.
An important aspect of the proposals is the focus on encouraging mining companies in South Africa to procure raw materials locally. This gives BEE South Africa miners access to more markets, including global. Financial support is also provided so that extraction and supply of raw materials is not hindered. Logistical and other support is also extended which ensures more efficient mining practices, be it in a coal mine or an iron ore mine, are employed and the BEE miners can make more informed business decisions. Thus sourcing from BEE miners has myriad advantages and benefits, including job creation and economic growth within the community.
Mining companies are also helping in other ways by developing infrastructure within mining communities. Building of roads, schools and clinics has a major impact on living standards and greatly benefits the community’s wellbeing.
Skill development and training related to mining activities is also undertaken and enable youth to get better jobs and foster entrepreneurship today and will provide better growth opportunities for their families tomorrow.
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